Friday, May 5, 2017

US Sales Of 10 Electric Car Models Grew 42% In April, 69% In January–April

Once upon a time, there was an epic monthly sales battle in the US between the Nissan LEAF and the Chevy Volt. They were neck and neck for ages, sometimes changing places several months in a row. Nowadays, the market is growing, and more relevant is probably looking at the Chevy Bolt, Chevy Volt, Ford Energi models, Nissan LEAF, Toyota Prius Prime, and maybe BMW i3. The cars are in a similar price range and class, but each offers a unique mix of features and style. Importantly, they are also the models that are available “nationwide.”

US Sales Of 10 Electric Car Models Grew 42% In April, 69% In January–April was originally published on CleanTechnica.

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US Sales Of 10 Electric Car Models Grew 42% In April, 69% In January–April syndicated from Clean Technica

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